IN THE CASE OF: Mr. BOARD DATE: 28 July 2014 CASE NUMBER: AR20140004814 ___________________________________________________________________________ Board Determination and Directed Action After carefully examining the applicant's record of service during the period of enlistment under review, hearing his testimony and considering the Discussion and Recommendation which follows, the Board determined the discharge was both proper and equitable and voted to deny relief. Presiding Officer I certify that herein is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Department of the Army Discharge Review Board in this case. THE APPLICANT’S REQUEST AND STATEMENT: 1. The applicant requests to upgrade the characterization of his service from under other than honorable to honorable. 2. The attorney on behalf of the applicant states, in pertinent part and in effect, despite the applicant’s innocence, he saw no other viable options for him and his family. He feared for his family and despite the lack of evidence and not ensuring a positive outcome in a court-martial, he accepted the Chapter 10 discharge. The CID investigation contained no real evidence that he viewed or possessed child pornography. The only incriminating evidence pointed to other Soldiers. The CID report contained no evidence validating the allegation that the DVDs belonged to the applicant. It was difficult to discern why the command initiated charges against the applicant. The UOTH is not indicative of his service to his country. He was a distinguished honor graduate from AIT, an honor graduate from a hazardous material driving school, and an honor graduate from the School of Advanced Military Studies for Computers. He earned the Silver German Armed Forces Badge of Marksmanship and served as a driver for his commander. Since his discharge, he has continued to work incredibly hard to better himself and serve not only his family, but his federal and local government. He earned a bachelor’s degree and plans to obtain a master’s degree when he is financially able. DISCHARGE UNDER REVIEW INFORMATION: a. Application Receipt Date: 18 March 2014 b. Discharge Received: Under Other Than Honorable Conditions c. Date of Discharge: 1 August 2007 d. Reason/Authority/SPD/RE Code: In Lieu of Trial by Court-Martial, AR 635-200, Chapter 10, KFS, RE-4 e. Unit of assignment: D Co, 3rd Bn, 159th Aviation Regiment, 12th Combat Bde, APO AE 09140, Illesheim, Germany f. Current Enlistment Date/Term: 13 May 2004, 6 years g. Current Enlistment Service: 3 years, 2 months, 19 days h. Total Service: 3 years, 2 months, 19 days i. Time Lost: None j. Previous Discharges: None k. Highest Grade Achieved: E-4 l. Military Occupational Specialty: 15R10, AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer m. GT Score: 125 n. Education: 13 years o. Overseas Service: Germany p. Combat Service: None q. Decorations/Awards: NDSM; GWOTSM; ASR; OSR r. Administrative Separation Board: No s. Performance Ratings: None t. Counseling Statements: NIF u. Prior Board Review: Yes, 21 May 2012 SUMMARY OF SERVICE: The record shows the applicant enlisted in the Regular Army on 13 May 2004, for a period of 6 years. He was 20 years old at the time of entry and had a year of college. He was trained in and awarded military occupational specialty (MOS) 15R10, AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer. His record documents no acts of valor or significant achievement. He completed 3 years, 2 months, and 19 days of active duty service. SEPARATION FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES: 1. The applicant’s record is void of the specific facts and circumstances concerning the events which led to the discharge from the Army. The applicant’s record does not contain the DD Form 458 (Charge Sheet), his request in writing for discharge under the provisions of Chapter 10, AR 635-200, in lieu of trial by court-martial, or the unit and the intermediate chain of command’s recommendations to approve the Chapter 10 request with an under other than honorable conditions discharge. However, the record contains a properly constituted DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty), which was authenticated by the applicant’s signature. 2. On 11 July 2007, the Staff Judge Advocate, in a memorandum stated that the applicant’s chain of command supported the applicant’s request for Chapter 10 discharge and recommended an under other than honorable conditions characterization of service. Subsequently, the separation authority approved the Chapter 10 request and directed the discharge with a characterization of service of under other than honorable conditions. The applicant was reduced to the lowest enlisted rank. 3. Accordingly, the DD Form 214 indicates that on 1 August 2007, the applicant was discharged under the provisions of Chapter 10, AR 635-200, for the good of the service in lieu of trial by court-martial with a characterization of service of under other than honorable conditions. Further, the DD Form 214 shows a Separation Code of KFS (i.e., in lieu of trial by court-martial) with a reentry eligibility (RE) code of 4. 4. The applicant’s available record does not show any evidence of actions under the UCMJ or unauthorized absences or time lost. EVIDENCE OBTAINED FROM THE APPLICANT'S RECORD: There are no negative counseling statements or actions under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT: The applicant provided his counsel-authored petition; DD Form 214 for service under current review; ADRB previous decision, dated 24 May 2012; CID preliminary report, indicates the applicant was the subject of an investigation for possession of child pornography; two letters of appreciation, dated 15-16 April 2008; and eight character reference statements, dated 31 January 2014, 2 February 2014, and 10 February 2013. POST-SERVICE ACTIVITY: The counsel for the applicant states, in effect, since his discharge, he has continued to work incredibly hard to better himself and serve not only his family, but his federal and local government. He earned a bachelor’s degree. The counsel provided a list of his service and achievements. REGULATORY AUTHORITY: 1. Army Regulation 635-200 (Personnel Separations) sets forth the basic authority for the separation of enlisted personnel. Chapter 10 provides that a member who has committed an offense or offenses for which the authorized punishment includes a punitive discharge may submit a request for discharge for the good of the service in lieu of trial by court-martial. The request may be submitted at any time after charges have been preferred and must include the individual's admission of guilt. Although an honorable or general discharge is authorized, a discharge UOTHC is normally considered appropriate. 2. Paragraph 3-7a provides that an honorable discharge is a separation with honor and entitles the recipient to benefits provided by law. The honorable characterization is appropriate when the quality of the member's service generally has met the standards of acceptable conduct and performance of duty for Army personnel or is otherwise so meritorious that any other characterization would be clearly inappropriate. 3. Paragraph 3-7b provides that a general discharge is a separation from the Army under honorable conditions. When authorized, it is issued to a Soldier whose military record is satisfactory but not sufficiently meritorious to warrant an honorable discharge. 4. Army Regulation 635-5-1 (Separation Program Designator (SPD) Codes) provides the specific authorities (regulatory or directive), reasons for separating Soldiers from active duty, and the SPD codes to be entered on the DD Form 214. It identifies the SPD code of "KFS" as the appropriate code to assign enlisted Soldiers who are discharged under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-200, chapter 10, in lieu of trial by court-martial. 5. The SPD Code/RE Code Cross Reference Table shows that a Soldier assigned an SPD Code of "KFS" will be assigned an RE Code of 4. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION: 1. The applicant’s request for an upgrade of the characterization of his discharge was carefully considered. However, after examining the applicant’s military records, and the issues and documents submitted with the application, there are insufficient mitigating factors to merit an upgrade of the applicant's discharge. 2. The applicant’s record is void of the specific facts and circumstances concerning the events which led to his discharge from the Army. However, the record contains a properly constituted DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty), which was authenticated by the applicant's signature. This document identifies the reason and characterization of the discharge. Barring evidence to the contrary, it appears all requirements of law and regulation were met and the rights of the applicant were fully protected throughout the separation process. 3. The applicant's contentions were carefully considered. However, there is insufficient evidence available in the official record to make a determination upon the applicant's quality of service. Moreover, there is a presumption of regularity in the conduct of governmental affairs. This presumption is applied in all Army discharge reviews unless there is substantial credible evidence to rebut the presumption. There is no evidence in the record, nor has the applicant produced sufficient evidence, to support a change to the characterization of service granted. The applicant’s statements alone do not overcome the presumption of government regularity in this case and the application contains insufficient evidence in support of this request for an upgrade of the discharge. 4. The third party statements provided with the application speak highly of the applicant’s performance. They recognize his good conduct and accomplishments after leaving the Army; however, the persons providing the character reference statements were not in a position to fully understand or appreciate the expectations of the applicant’s chain of command. As such, none of these statements provide any evidence sufficiently compelling to overcome the presumption of government regularity. 5. The applicant contends that since leaving the Army, he has continued to work incredibly hard to better himself and serve not only his family, but his federal and local government. He earned a bachelor’s degree. The counsel provided a list of his service, accomplishments, and achievements. The applicant’s post-service accomplishments have been noted as outlined in the counsel-authored petition and in the documents with the application. However, in review of the applicant’s entire service record and the reasons for the discharge, it appears that these accomplishments did not overcome the reason for discharge and characterization of service granted. 6. The Army Discharge Review Board is authorized to consider post-service factors in the characterization of a discharge. However, there is no law or regulation which provides an unfavorable discharge may be upgraded based solely on the passage of time or good conduct in civilian life subsequent to leaving the service. Outstanding post-service conduct, to the extent such matters provide a basis for a more thorough understanding of the applicant’s performance and conduct during the period of service under review, is considered during Board proceedings. The Board reviews each discharge on a case-by-case basis to determine if post-service accomplishments help demonstrate previous in-service misconduct was an aberration and not indicative of the member’s overall character. 7. The applicant expresses a desire to continue his education, perhaps in consideration of an upgrade that would allow educational benefits through the use of the GI Bill. However, eligibility for veteran's benefits to include educational benefits under the Post-9/11 or Montgomery GI Bill does not fall within the purview of the Army Discharge Review Board. Accordingly, the applicant should contact a local office of the Department of Veterans Affairs for further assistance. 8. Therefore, based on the available evidence and the presumption of government regularity, it appears the reason for discharge and the characterization of service are both proper and equitable, thus recommend the Board deny relief. SUMMARY OF ARMY DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD HEARING: Type of Hearing: Personal Appearance Date: 28 July 2014 Location: Washington, DC Did the Applicant Testify? No Counsel: Mr. William E. Cassara, Box 2688, Evans, GA 30809 Witnesses/Observers: (W) – spouse and (O) - Co-Counsel DOCUMENTS/TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING PERSONAL APPEARANCE: 1. The applicant submitted the following additional document: a. Patient Appointment – 1 page 2. The applicant presented no additional contentions In addition to the evidence in the record, the Board carefully considered the additional document and testimony presented by the applicant at the personal appearance hearing. Board Vote: Character Change: 0 No Change: 5 Reason Change: 0 No Change: 5 (Board member names available upon request) Board Action Directed: Issue a new DD Form 214: No Change Characterization to: No Change Change Reason to: No Change Change Authority for Separation: NA Change RE Code to: NA Grade Restoration to: NA Other: NA Legend: AMHRR - Army Military Human Resource Record FG - Field Grade IADT – Initial Active Duty Training RE - Reentry AWOL - Absent Without Leave GD - General Discharge NA - Not applicable SCM- Summary Court Martial BCD - Bad Conduct Discharge HS - High School NIF - Not in File SPCM - Special Court Martial CG - Company Grade Article 15 HD - Honorable Discharge OAD - Ordered to Active Duty UNC - Uncharacterized Discharge CID - Criminal investigation Department MP – Military Police OMPF - Official Military Personnel File UOTHC - Under Other Honorable Conditions ADRB Case Report and Directive (cont) AR20140004814 Page 6 of 6 pages ARMY DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD (ADRB) CASE REPORT AND DIRECTIVE 1