IN THE CASE OF: BOARD DATE: 25 February 2022 DOCKET NUMBER: AR20210013510 APPLICANT REQUESTS: correction of item 6 (Place of Entry into Active Duty) on his DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) to show Dallas, Texas (TX). APPLICANT'S SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD: * DD Form 149 (Application for Correction of Military Record) * Private Act Release Form * Fort Riley Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Advanced Camp Certificate, dated 14 July 1980 * Headquarters, U.S. Army Third ROTC Region memorandum, dated 13 March 1981 * Headquarters, U.S. Army Third ROTC Region memorandum, dated 9 May 1981 * DD Form 214 FACTS: 1. The applicant did not file within the three-year time frame provided in Title 10, United States Code, section 1552(b); however, the Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR) conducted a substantive review of this case and determined it is in the interest of justice to excuse the applicant's failure to timely file. 2. The applicant states he is trying to apply for a scholarship for one of his daughters. In order to qualify, the applicant must be a veteran, meaning having entered service from a city. The document used to prove qualification is the DD Form 214. His DD Form 214 incorrectly shows his point of entry was , , but his active duty orders show , which is correct. Department of Defense (DOD) information says it will take 18 months to get his record corrected; by then his girls will be 2/3 through college and he is a single father with custody of them. 3. The applicant’s DD Form 4 (Enlistment/Reenlistment Document) shows he enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) as an ROTC Cadet at University on 14 January 1980. 4. The applicant provided a ROTC Advanced Camp Military Proficiency Award Certificate, dated 14 July 1980, in recognition of his outstanding performance. 5. A DA Form 61 (Application for Appointment), dated 1 September 1980, completed while an ROTC Cadet, shows the following: * the applicant’s permanent address at the time of his application was in * his then current mailing address was at * the name and location of his college or university was 6. A Headquarters, U.S. Army Third ROTC Region memorandum, dated 9 May 1981, addressed to the applicant in , through the Professor of Military Science, University, informed the applicant that he was appointed a Reserve commissioned officer of the U.S. Army, effective his acceptance of the appointment. 7. A DA Form 71 (Oath of Office-Military Personnel) shows, at on 9 May 1981, having accepted an appointment as a Reserve commissioned officer in the Army of the U.S., the applicant executed an Oath of Office in the rank of second lieutenant (2LT). 8. Headquarters, U.S. Army Third ROTC Region Orders 83-7-A-367, dated 12 May 1981, show the following: * they ordered the applicant to active duty effective upon his acceptance of appointment * at the time of the orders issuance, for the purpose of accountability, he was assigned to the U.S. Army Third ROTC Region Control Group, Fort Riley, KS * effective upon his acceptance of appointment, his unit of assignment was 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Fort Bliss, TX, with a reporting date no later than 13 November 1981 * he was ordered to temporary duty at U.S. Army Armor School, Fort Knox, KY, for the purpose of attendance at the Armor Officer Basic Cavalry Course from 18 June 1981 through on or about 9 October 1981. 9. A Headquarters, U.S. Army Third ROTC Region memorandum, dated 13 March 1981, addressed to the applicant, a Cadet at University, advised him of his active duty reporting date of 18 June 1981 for Armor Officer Basic Course at Fort Knox, KY. 10. A Standard Form 93 (Report of Medical History) shows the applicant underwent medical examination on 19 June 1981 at Fort Knox, KY, for the purpose of Extended Active Duty (EAD). The applicant’s home address is listed as. 11. A memorandum from the Director of Training, U.S. Army Infantry School, addressed to the applicant’s Commander, 3rd Armor Cavalry Regiment, Fort Bliss, TX, dated 21 December 1981, shows the applicant’s resignation from Ranger School. 12. A subsequent Headquarters, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment Assignment Memorandum Number 008, dated 8 January 1982, reassigned the applicant to I Troop, 3rd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Fort Bliss, TX, effective 8 January 1982. No travel was involved in this reassignment. 13. The applicant’s DD Form 214 shows the following: * he entered active duty this period at Fort Riley, KS, on 15 June 1981 * he completed Armor Officer Basic Course,15 weeks, in 1981 and the Ranger Course, 8 weeks, in 1981 * he was honorably released from active duty at Fort Bliss, TX, on 14 June 1984 * he completed 3 years of net active service and was transferred to the USAR Control Group (Reinforcement) BOARD DISCUSSION: After reviewing the application, all supporting documents, and the evidence found within the military record, the Board found that partial relief was warranted. The applicant’s contentions, the military record, and regulatory guidance were carefully considered. The Board agreed the evidence of record shows the place he entered active duty as shown on his DD Form 214. However, the Board agreed his home of record (HOR) would have reflected if there was a block on the form for HOR as there is on today’s DD Forms 214. Therefore, the Board agreed to amend his DD Form 214 by placing his HOR within the remarks section. BOARD VOTE: Mbr 1 Mbr 2 Mbr 3 : : : GRANT FULL RELIEF :X :X :X GRANT PARTIAL RELIEF : : : GRANT FORMAL HEARING : : : DENY APPLICATION BOARD DETERMINATION/RECOMMENDATION: 1. The Board determined the evidence presented is sufficient to warrant a recommendation for partial relief. As a result, the Board recommends that all Department of the Army records of the individual concerned be corrected by amending item 18 of his DD Form 214 for the period ending 14 June 1984 by adding “Home of Record: .” 2. The Board further determined the evidence presented is insufficient to warrant a portion of the requested relief. As a result, the Board recommends denial of so much of the application that pertains to amending his place of entry on the DD Form 214. I certify that herein is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in this case. REFERENCES: 1. Title 10, United States Code, section 1552(b), provides that applications for correction of military records must be filed within 3 years after discovery of the alleged error or injustice. This provision of law also allows the ABCMR to excuse an applicant's failure to timely file within the 3-year statute of limitations if the ABCMR determines it would be in the interest of justice to do so. 2. Army Regulation 635-5 (Separation Documents) in effect at the time, prescribes the separation documents which are prepared for individuals upon retirement, discharge or release from active military service or control of the Army, including establishing the standardized policy for preparing the DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty). The specific instructions for completion of item 6 (Place of Entry into Active Duty) state to enter the city and state from which the member last entered on active duty from civilian life. (See Appendix J, Volume 1 of the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) for definition of place of entry on active duty). 3. The JTR implements policy and laws establishing travel and transportation allowances of the Uniformed Service Members and Department of Defense (DoD) civilian travelers. It also implements station and other certain allowances. Appendix A (Definitions and Acronyms), currently in effect, contains the definitions and acronyms used in the JTR. a. It states the Place from which Called or Ordered to Active Duty is known as PLEAD. PLEAD is the place where an active component Service member enlisted, was commissioned, or was appointed. For a Reserve component member, the PLEAD is where the member enlisted, was commissioned, or was appointed for immediate active duty. b. If a Reserve component member is not enlisted, commissioned, or appointed for immediate active duty, then the address where the active duty order is delivered is the PLEAD. c. If there is a break in active duty service that exceeds 1 full day, then the PLEAD changes to the place where the member reenters active duty. d. If a civilian college student, midshipman, or cadet has no prior service, the PLEAD is the academic institution where the service member attained a military status or where the service member entered the service. //NOTHING FOLLOWS//