IN THE CASE OF: BOARD DATE: 14 December 2022 DOCKET NUMBER: AR20220003570 APPLICANT REQUESTS: retirement points credit for the following periods: * 11 and 17 December 2017 * 28 and 29 September 2018 * 30 October 2018 APPLICANT'S SUPPORTING DOCUMENT(S) CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD: * DD Form 149 (Application for Correction of Military Record) online application * 4 x Pacific Dental Services Continuing Credit Completion Certificate * Memorandum, Subject: Signature Authority * 3 x DA Forms 1380 (Record of Individual Performance of Reserve Duty) * Email regarding Points Only Request FACTS: 1. The applicant states, in effect: a. She has a year with less than 50 points between 2017 to 2018. Certain points were not properly submitted by the Army Medical Department Professional Management Command. b. She is requesting to correct this error for points only so that she has a good year. She has gone through the Reserve Personnel Action Center at her unit over the last one and a half years, but it still has not been resolved. c. She found the error when she tried to apply for a Department of Veteran Affairs loan and was checking her years of service. She notified her unit right away and it has taken until 7 February 2022 to get an answer that resolution through U.S. Army Human Resources Command (HRC) had not worked. 2. The applicant's service records contain the documents for the Board's consideration: a. Two DA Forms 61 (Application for Appointment), dated 20 August 2014 and 16 September 2014, which shows the applicant was applying for commission as a Reserve commissioned officer. b. Two memorandums from HRC appointing the applicant as a Reserve commissioned officer in the rank of second lieutenant (2LT) on 16 October 2014 and in the rank of captain (CPT) on 30 June 2017. c. Two DA Forms 71 (Oath of Office Military Personnel), which show on 30 October 2014, she completed the oath of office as a 2LT on 30 October 2014 and as a CPT on 30 June 2017. d. DA Form 5016 (Chronological Statement of Retirement Points) dated 8 December 2022 shows for the retirement year beginning on 30 October 2017 and ending on 29 October 2018, she received 32 inactive duty (IDT) points, and 15 membership points, totaling 47 total points creditable. And for the retirement year beginning on 30 October 2018 and ending on 29 October 2019, she received 45 IDT points, and 15 membership points, totaling 60 total points creditable. 3. The applicant provided the following documents for the Board's consideration: a. Four Pacific Dental Services Continuing Credit Completion Certificates, which show on: * 11 December 2017, she received 8 hours of continuing education * 17 December 2017, she received 4 hours of continuing education * 28 September 2018, she received 4 hours of continuing education * 29 September 2018, she received 6.75 hours of continuing education b. A memorandum for record from 7239th Medical Support Unit, dated 5 May 2020, which shows the signature authorities to sign DA Forms 1380. c. Three DA Forms 1380, dated 17 November 2020, which show the applicant performed duty on: * 11 December 2017, 8 hours * 17 December 2017, 4 hours * 28 September 2018, 4 hours * 29 September 2018, 4 hours * 30 October 2018, 8 hours * Totaling 7 retirement points d. An email to HRC, wherein the author was following up on a request from 22 December 2020. She had not received any rejection notification regarding the applicant's DA Forms 1380; however, the applicant's records did not reflect the retirement points. There was no response from HRC. 4. On 12 September 2022, the U.S. Army Reserve Command, Retirement Services Officer, provided an advisory opinion which states, they reviewed the applicant's records and supporting documentation and recommended awarding her additional retirement points for the periods of 11 December 2017, 17 December 2017, 28 September 2018, 29 September 2018, and 30 October 2018 for a total of seven points. Her unit administrative personnel failed to correctly prepare and submit her DA Forms 1380 for processing. She had no control over these mistakes and should not be punished for them. Full administrative relief granted. 5. On 23 September 2022, the advisory opinion was sent to the applicant to give her an opportunity to respond. She did not respond. BOARD DISCUSSION: After reviewing the application, all supporting documents, and the evidence found within the military record, the Board found that relief was warranted. The Board carefully considered the applicant's record of service, documents submitted in support of the petition and executed a comprehensive and standard review based on law, policy and regulation. Upon review of the applicant’s petition, available military records and the. U.S. Army Reserve Command, Retirement Services Officer advisory opinion, the Board concurred with the advisory official finding it was by no fault of the applicant, her unit administrative personnel failed to correctly prepare and submit her DA Forms 1380 for processing. The Board agreed that there was sufficient documentation to warrant relief in this case by awarding the applicant retirement points for the periods of 11 December 2017, 17 December 2017, 28 September 2018, 29 September 2018, and 30 October 2018, for a total of seven points. BOARD VOTE: Mbr 1 Mbr 2 Mbr 3 X X X GRANT FULL RELIEF : : : GRANT PARTIAL RELIEF : : : GRANT FORMAL HEARING : : : DENY APPLICATION BOARD DETERMINATION/RECOMMENDATION: The Board determined the evidence presented is sufficient to warrant a recommendation for relief. As a result, the Board recommends that all Department of the Army records of the individual concerned be corrected by awarding the applicant retirement points for the periods of 11 December 2017, 17 December 2017, 28 September 2018, 29 September 2018, and 30 October 2018, for a total of seven points. I certify that herein is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in this case. REFERENCES: Army Regulation 140-185 (Training and Retirement Point Credits and Unit Level Strength Accounting Records) sets responsibilities and procedures to establish and maintain retirement records prescribing the types of training and activities for which retirement points are authorized. It discusses the procedures for recording retirement point credits and training. It provides guidance for the use of completing DA Form 1380. a. Chapter 2: Paragraph 2-4a states personnel on active duty, Active Duty Training (ADT), Inactive Duty Training (IADT), involuntary ADT, or Annual Training (AT) are awarded one point for each calendar day they serve in one of these categories and may not be awarded additional points for other activities while in such status. A maximum of two retirement points may be credited for attendance at unit Battle Assemblies (BA) or IDT in any 1 calendar day. b. Paragraph 3-3 states: (1) The purpose of DA Form 1380 is to record Inactive Duty Training by: (2) Troop Program Unit Soldiers performing Inactive Duty Training assemblies when pay is authorized, and the Soldier is not present to sign the Inactive Duty Training attendance roster. (3) Troop Program Unit Soldiers attached to another USAR unit for 89 or fewer days. In such cases the unit of attachment will prepare DA Form 1380 and forward to unit of assignment for recording attendance. (4) Non-unit Soldiers under the jurisdiction of HRC who are attached for retirement points-only to USAR Troop Program Units, Army National Guard units, or to another Service or component for training. Only attached Soldiers are authorized to perform Inactive Duty Training with the exception of one annual physical health assessment each for medical and dental readiness when authorized by the command prior to the event. (5) Non-unit Soldiers performing other inactive duty training for retirement point credit. c. DA Form 1380 will be prepared for a unit Soldier who performs equivalent training or additional training with their unit subsequent to the scheduled Battle Assembly. Troop Program Unit units will retain one copy of the DA Form 1380 to post the appropriate entry into Automated Drill Attendance Reporting Software (ADARS) for the month's report and then place in the appropriate Army records information management system file. Nonpaid DA Forms 1380 will not be entered into ADARS and will be forwarded to HRC for award of retirement points no later than the end of each duty month. DA Form 1380 will be scanned into the Soldier's iPERMS by the unit of assignment. //NOTHING FOLLOWS// ABCMR Record of Proceedings (cont) AR20220003570 1 ARMY BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 1