IN THE CASE OF: BOARD DATE: 28 June 2023 DOCKET NUMBER: AR20220010771 APPLICANT REQUESTS: the following additions to his DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty): * fourth Army Achievement Medal (AAM) * Certificate of Achievement APPLICANT'S SUPPORTING DOCUMENT(S) CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD: * DD Form 149 (Application for Correction of Military Record) * DD Form 214, 14 May 1992 * DD Form 215 (Correction to DD Form 214), 18 June 1996 * DD Form 214, 21 July 1996 * DD Form 214, 17 October 2005 * AAM Certificate, 1 March 1991 * Recommendation for Award of MSM and below (page 1) * AAM Certificate, 13 September 1991 (Orders # 011-09) * DA Form 638-1 (page 1) * AAM Certificate, 7 September 1991 (Orders # 091-018) * DA Form 638-1 (page 1) * AAM Certificate, 22 April 2005 (Orders # 112-003) * DA Form 638 (page 1) * Certificate of Achievement, 14 May 1992 FACTS: 1. The applicant did not file within the 3-year time frame provided in Title 10, U.S. Code, section 1552(b); however, the Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR) conducted a substantive review of this case and determined it is in the interest of justice to excuse the applicant's failure to timely file. 2. The applicant states he would like his fourth AAM and Certificate of Achievement added to his DD Form 214. 3. The applicant’s service records are not available for review. An exhaustive search was conducted to locate the service records, but they could not be found. The only documents available were the documents provided by the applicant. These documents are sufficient for the Board to conduct a fair and impartial review of this case. 4. The applicant provided: a. DD Form 214, showing his period of active service from 7 February 1989 – 14 May 1992. He was awarded or authorized: * Army Service Ribbon * National Defense Service Medal * Expert Badge (Rifle) * Expert Badge (Hand Grenade) * Army Good Conduct Medal * Army Lapel Button b. DD Form 215, showing on 18 June 1996, item 12f (Foreign Service) added 2 months and 2 days. Item 13 (Decorations, Medals, Badges, Citations and Campaign Ribbons Awarded or Authorized): added Southwest Asia Service Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal (Saudi Arabia), Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait). Item 18 (Remarks): added service in Southwest Asia: 30 January 1991 – 31 March 1991. c. DD Form 214, showing his period of active service from 3 April 1995 - 21 July 1996. He was awarded or authorized: * Army Service Ribbon * National Defense Service Medal * Army Good Conduct Medal (1st award) * NCO Professional Development Ribbon d. DD Form 214, showing his period of active service from 17 May 2004 – 17 October 2005. He was awarded or authorized: * Army Commendation Medal * Army Achievement Medal (3d award) * Army Good Conduct Medal (2d award) * National Defense Service Medal (2d award) * Southwest Asia Service Medal * NCO Professional Development Ribbon * Army Service Ribbon * Armed Forces Reserve Medal with “M” Device * Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait) * Combat Infantryman Badge * Global War on Terrorism Service Medal * Iraq Campaign Medal e. AAM Certificate, showing he was awarded the AAM for meritorious service while serving as a rifleman for Company A, 1stt Battalion, 22d Infantry from 1 May 1990 – 25 January 1991. Awarded on 1 March 1991. f. Recommendation for Award of MSM and below (page 1) showing he was recommended for award of AAM for service while serving as a squad rifleman during May 1990 - January 1991. g. AAM Certificate, (Orders # 011-09) showing he was awarded an AAM for meritorious achievement while serving as a cadet trainer on maneuver light committee as a part of the 1st Battalion, 22d Infantry Task Force from 7 July 1991 – 12 August 1991. Awarded on 13 September 1991. h. DA Form 638-1 (page 1) showing he was recommended for award of AAM for outstanding achievement during the period 7 July 1991 – 12 August 1991, while serving as a cadet trainer. i. AAM Certificate, (Orders # 091-018) showing he was awarded an AAM for exceptionally meritorious achievement during the period 17 January - 22 March 1991, in support of Operation Desert Storm. Awarded on 7 September 1991. j. DA Form 638-1 (page 1) showing he was recommended for award of Army Commendation Medal for exceptional meritorious achievement during the period of 17 January 1991 – 22 March 1991 while in support of Operation Desert Storm. k. AAM Certificate, (Orders # 112-003) showing he was awarded an AAM for meritorious achievement during combat operations against hostile forces in Baghdad, Iraq from 01 December 2004 - 12 February 2005. Awarded on 22 April 2005. l. DA Form 638 (page 1) showing he was recommended for award of AAM for exceptional achievement during combat operations against an armed, hostile force in Baghdad, Iraq from 01 December 2004 - 12 February 2005. m. Certificate of Achievement, during the period of 26 May 1989 - 1 May 1992 awarded on 14 May 1992. 5. By regulation (AR 600-8-22) a. The Army Achievement Medal is awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States, who while serving in a noncombat area on or after 1 August 1981, distinguished themselves by meritorious service or achievement. As with all personal decorations, formal recommendations, approval through the chain of command, and announcement in orders are required. b. The Certificate of Achievement states Commanders may recognize periods of faithful service, acts, or achievements which do not meet the standards required for decorations by issuing to individual U.S. military personnel a DA Form 2442 (Certificate of Achievement) or a certificate of achievement of local design provided it meets guidance in 10–2(a). The citation on such certificates will not be worded so that the act of service performed appears to warrant the award of a decoration. 6. By regulation (AR 635-5) Block 13 (Decorations, Medals, Badges, Citation and Campaign Ribbons Awarded or Authorized) states list awards and decorations for all periods of service in the priority sequence specified in AR 600-8-22. Each entry will be verified by the Soldier's records. BOARD DISCUSSION: 1. After reviewing the application, all supporting documents, and the evidence found within the military record, the Board found that partial relief was warranted. The Board carefully considered the applicant's record of service, documents submitted in support of the petition and executed a comprehensive and standard review based on law, policy and regulation. The governing regulation provides that at separation the service member’s record will be used to enter accurate information when completing their DD Form 214. Upon review of the applicant’s petition and available military records, the Board determined that the evidence presented is sufficient to grant partial relief and list his Army Achievement Medal (4th Award). 2. The governing regulation provides that Certificates of Achievement do not meet the standards required for decorations and the citation on such certificates will not be worded so that the act of service performed appears to warrant the award of a decoration. The Board further determined there was insufficient evidence of an error or injustice to warrant relief in the addition of the Certificate of Achievement to the DD Form 214. ? BOARD VOTE: Mbr 1 Mbr 2 Mbr 3 : : : GRANT FULL RELIEF :X :X :X GRANT PARTIAL RELIEF : : : GRANT FORMAL HEARING : : : DENY APPLICATION BOARD DETERMINATION/RECOMMENDATION: 1. The Board determined the evidence presented is sufficient to warrant a recommendation for partial relief. As a result, the Board recommends that all Department of the Army records of the individual concerned be corrected by amending his DD Form 214 for the period ending 17 October 2005 by listing his Army Achievement Medal (4th Award). 2. The Board further determined the evidence presented is insufficient to warrant a portion of the requested relief. As a result, the Board recommends denial of so much of the application that pertains to award of Certificate of Achievement. I certify that herein is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in this case. REFERENCES: 1. Title 10, U.S. Code, section 1552(b), provides that applications for correction of military records must be filed within 3 years after discovery of the alleged error or injustice. This provision of law also allows the ABCMR to excuse an applicant's failure to timely file within the 3-year statute of limitations if the ABCMR determines it would be in the interest of justice to do so. 2. Army Regulation 600-8-22 (Military Awards) provides policy, criteria, and administrative instructions concerning individual military decorations, Good Conduct Medal, service medals and ribbons, combat and special skill badges and tabs, unit decorations, and trophies, and similar devices awarded in recognition of accomplishments. a. The Army Achievement Medal is awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States, who while serving in a noncombat area on or after 1 August 1981, distinguished themselves by meritorious service or achievement. As with all personal decorations, formal recommendations, approval through the chain of command, and announcement in orders are required. b. The Certificate of Achievement states Commanders may recognize periods of faithful service, acts, or achievements which do not meet the standards required for decorations by issuing to individual U.S. military personnel a DA Form 2442 (Certificate of Achievement) or a certificate of achievement of local design provided it meets guidance in 10–2(a). The citation on such certificates will not be worded so that the act of service performed appears to warrant the award of a decoration. 3. Army Regulation 635-5 (Separation Documents) states the DD Form 214 is a summary of the Soldier's most recent period of continuous active duty. It provides a brief, clear-cut record of all current active, prior active, and prior inactive duty service at the time of release from active duty, retirement, or discharge. The information entered thereon reflects the conditions as they existed at the time of separation. Block 13 (Decorations, Medals, Badges, Citation and Campaign Ribbons Awarded or Authorized) states list awards and decorations for all periods of service in the priority sequence specified in AR 600-8-22. Each entry will be verified by the Soldier's records. //NOTHING FOLLOWS// ABCMR Record of Proceedings (cont) AR20220010771 1 ARMY BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 1