Application Receipt Date: 060406 Prior Review Prior Review Date: None I. Applicant Request Request: Upgrade Reason Change RE Code Change Issues: See DD Form 293 and attached documents. II. Were Proper Discharge and Separation Authority procedures followed? Yes No Tender Offer: ????? See Attachments: Legal Medical Minority Opinion Exhibits III. Original Character of Discharge Unit CDR Recommended Discharge: Date: NIF Discharge Received: Date: 050921 Chapter: 8-26b (4) AR: NGR 600-200 Reason: Other Designated Physical Or Mental Conditions RE: SPD: NA Unit/Location: 116th HHC Bde Cav Rear ID Boise, ID 83705-8175 Time Lost: None Article 15s (Charges/Dates/Punishment): NIF Court-Martials (Charges/Dates/Punishment): NIF Counseling Records Available: Yes No IV. Soldier’s Overall Record DOB: 770210 Current ENL Date: OIADT/ 040914 Current ENL Term: ?? Years 24 weeks Current ENL Service: 01 Yrs, 00 Mos, 07 Days ????? Total Service: 01 Yrs, 05 Mos, 22 Days ????? Previous Discharges: ARNG-040330-040913/NA (Concurrent Service) Highest Grade: E3 Performance Ratings Available: Yes No MOS: 27D10 Paralegal Spec GT: 118 EDU: 13 years Overseas: None Combat: None Decorations/Awards: NDSM, GWOTSM, ASR V. Post-Discharge Activity Home of Record: Current Address: Post Service Accomplishments: None Listed VI. Facts, Circumstances, and Legal Basis for Separation a. Facts and Circumstances: The evidence of record shows that on 1 October 2005, the applicant was issued a temporary physical profile with a medical condition of histronic personality disorder, with an expiration date of 1 January 2006. On 19 October 2005, a report of mental status evaluation by competent medical authority diagnosed the applicant with axis I: V 62.2 occupation problem, axis II: no diagnosis, this diagnosis represents a category within DSM-IV-TR that is used when the focus of clinical attention is an occupational problem that is not due to a mental disorder. While the applicant was previously diagnosed with a histronic personality disorder and recommended for administrative separation in accordance with Chapter 5-13, AR 635-200. After evaluation and review of her records, it was the provider's opinion that the applicant did not meet the criteria for a personality disorder or warrants administrative separation. The specific facts and circumstances pertaining to the applicant's discharge are not contained in the available records. However, the record does contain a properly constituted NGB Form 22 (Report of Separation and Record of Service), which the applicant was unavailable for signature. It indicates that the applicant was discharged under the provisions of paragraph 8-26b (4), NGR 600-200, by reason of other designated physical or mental conditions, with a characterization of service of general, under honorable conditions, and a reenlistment eligibility (RE) code of "3." On 6 October 2005, State Of Idaho, Military Division, Boise, ID, discharged the applicant from the Army National Guard and as a reserve of the Army, effective date: 21 September 2005, with a general, under honorable conditions discharge. b. Legal Basis for Separation: National Guard Regulation (NGR) 600-200 and Army Regulation 135-178 govern procedures covering enlisted personnel management of the Army National Guard. Chapter 8 of NGR 600-200 covers, in pertinent part, reasons for discharge and separation of enlisted personnel from the National Guard and as a reserve of the Army. Paragraph 8-26b (4) of that regulation states that individuals can be separated by the CNGB and CG, ARPERCEN acting on behalf of the Secretary of the Army may approve separation under this paragraph for reasons other than physical disability (AR635-40) when one or more of the following conditions exist, which potentially interfere with assignment to or performance of duty. Army policy states that except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, a Soldier's period of service would be characterized as honorable unless an uncharacterized description of service is required or characterization of service as general, under honorable conditions is warranted. c. Response to Issues, Recommendation and Rationale: After a careful review of all the applicant’s available military records for the period of enlistment under review, the issues and documents she submitted, the analyst recommends relief be denied in this case. The applicant’s record is void of the specific facts and circumstances concerning the events that led to her discharge from the Army National Guard of the State of Idaho and as a reserve of the Army. However, the record does contain a properly constituted NGB Form 22 (Report of Separation and Record of Service) which the applicant was unavailable for signature. This document identifies the reason and characterization of the discharge and the analyst presumed Government regularity in the discharge process. The evidence of record shows that the applicant was discharged under the provisions of Chapter 8, Paragraph 8-26b(4), NGR 600-200, by reason of other designated physical or mental conditions, with a general, under honorable conditions characterization of service. In the absence of corroborated evidence to the contrary, the analyst was satisfied that all requirements of law and regulation were met and the rights of the applicant were fully protected throughout the separation process. Therefore, the analyst determined that the reason for discharge and the characterization of service were both proper and equitable. VII. Summary of Army Discharge Review Board Hearing Type of Hearing: Date: 070221 Location: Washington, DC Did the Applicant Testify? Yes No Counsel: NA Witnesses/Observers: NA Exhibits Submitted: NA VIII. Board Decision The discharge was: Proper Improper Equitable Inequitable The characterization of service was: Proper Improper Equitable Inequitable The narrative reasons were: Equitable Inequitable DRB voting record: Change No change (Character) Change No change (Reason) (Board member names available upon request) IX. Board Discussion, Determination, and Recommendation After carefully examining the applicant’s record of service during the period of enlistment under review and considering the analyst’s recommendation and rationale, the Board determined that the discharge was both proper and equitable and voted not to change it. Case report reviewed and verified by: Mr. Kenneth McFarley, Examiner X. Board Action Directed No Change Issue a new DD Form 214 Change Characterization to: Change Reason to: None Other: NA RE Code: Grade Restoration: No Yes Grade: None XI. Certification Signature and Date Approval Authority: ROBERT L. HOUSE Colonel, U.S. Army President, Army Discharge Review Board Official: MARY E. SHAW DATE: 070223 Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Chief, Secretary Recorder ARMY DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD - CASE REPORT AND DIRECTIVE Case Number AR20060005262 Applicant Name: Ms. ______________________________________________________________________ Page 6 of 6 pages