DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2013- 025 NAME CURRENT DD-214 Honorable, GNC, Unacceptable Conduct, RE4 RELIEF REQUESTED Change Narrative Reason for Separation; U grade RE code RELIEF GRANTED BY DRB None ADMIN CORRECTIONS None TIS 17 yrs, 4 months, 2 days Policy Implications None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged for Unacceptable Conduct due to Inaptitude. The applicant's final 9 enlisted employee evaluations resulted in a Not Recommended for Advancement from 2001-2005. The applicant was reduced from E6 to E5 in the 2005 NJP punishment after being in probationary period the 2 years prior. The applicant had approximately 20 negative administrative remarks on the inability to complete routine tasks and communicate with the chain of command, documenting how the performance created problems for other shipmates. Additionally, the applicant received three Unsatisfactory Evaluations stemming from a 2005 mast for not meeting the crewman and unit OOD qualifications, not paying debts in 2002, and an alcohol incident in 1995. Prior to that in 1990, the applicant was also taken to Captain's Mast for dereliction of duty while aboard Coast Guard cutter as a non-rate. The applicant's complete Personnel Data Record was available for review. The Separation Package and Administrative Separation Board proceedings were not available for the Board to review. The Board utilized available information contained in electronic records and documents submitted by the applicant. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. The applicant received an Honorable Discharge which is the most favorable outcome possible based on his substandard performance over the larger part of 15 years. Final Adjudication by Assistant Commandant For Human Resources: No relief.