DRB 2013-068 Applicable Policy Military Separations Manual: 1.B.17 (previously Personnel Manual COMDTINST M1000.6 ART 12-B-16), prescribes standards for processing individuals for Alcohol Rehabilitation Failure. Summary of Service/Disciplinary Action A. Age at enlistment in USCG: 17 B. Periods of unauthorized absences: None C. Civil actions: None D. Military Actions: a. Non Judicial Punishment: i. 2/25/05 1. Article 89-Disrespect towards a superior commissioned officer. On 02/21/2005, the individual was malingering outside the ship. When returning from liberty, the individual was disrespectful and made rude comments. 2. Article 92-Failure to obey order or regulation-In that on 02/20-02/21/2005, the individual did fail to obey a general order by consuming alcohol beverages while under the age of 21. ii. 7/30/02 1. Failure to Obey a Lawful General Order or Regulation- In that mbr was under the age of 21 and consumed alcohol. b. Court Martial: None F. Highest rating achieved: SN G. ASVAB AFQT: 58 H. Active service completed: 3 years, 20 days Applicant’s Issues and Documentation Documentation: In addition to the service record, the following additional documentation, submitted by the applicant, was considered: A. DD Form 293 B. Supporting Documentation Issues: The applicant states “Employers judge based on the narrative reason for discharge. Never had a problem with alcohol, was young and in an environment that encouraged alcohol consumption”. Board’s Discussion and Conclusion DISCUSSION: The applicant was discharged in 2005 for Alcohol Rehabilitation Failure. Prior to turning 21 years of age, received two NJPs for underage drinking and admitting to operating a vehicle while intoxicated. Successfully completed outpatient treatment in January 2003 and March 2005. On the equity standard, the board referred to ALCOAST 125/10 released on March 18, 2010, to make a recommendation on the Narrative Reason (NR) for separation. The Board notes most or all separations occurring after said ALCOAST to the present, only issue a JPD (SPD) code when the member is unable to complete outpatient treatment, or they refuse altogether. Therefore, the Board recommends that the NR be amended to: Separation for Miscellaneous/General Reasons with a Separation Type of: (Unsuitability) Alcohol Abuse. The recommended SPD code and Separation Authority are: JND and COMDTINST M1000.6A, Art 12.B.16. RECOMMENDATION: The Board members thoroughly reviewed the applicant’s record of service and all available documentation. The Board deemed that the applicant’s character of service, reason for separation and reenlistment code are appropriate and should not be changed. The applicant has not substantiated any error or inequity. Propriety: Discharge was proper. Equity: Discharge was equitable. Board Conclusion: The Board voted 5-0 to recommend the following partial relief based on post-policy issued in ALCOAST 125/10: Discharge - No Change Authority - COMDTINST M1000.6A ART 12.B.16 Separation Code - JND Re-entry Code - RE4 Narrative Reason - Miscellaneous/General Reasons