DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2014-034 NAME CURRENT DD-214 Honorable, COMDTNST MIOOO.6A 12-B-12, JCR JCR, Weight Control Failure, RE3F RELIEF REQUESTED Upgrade RE code RELIEF GRANTED BY DRB None ADMN CORRECTIONS None TIS 5 yrs, 10 months, 24 days Policy Implications None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged for Weight Control Failure in early 201 1. Prior to the separation, the member was placed on weight probation in the Spring of 2010. The applicant was ordered to lose 32 pounds or 6 percent body to reach compliance with the service standard for their age group. Thereafter in the Fall of 2010, the applicant was 24 pounds overweight and still 5 percent over the body fat standard. In accordance with 4.A.2 of CIM 1020.81-1, the applicant failed to demonstrate reasonable and consistent progress during probation, i.e., not halfway towards compliance at the midpoint of their probationary period. The command notified the applicant of the intent to discharge for the aforementioned reasons, at that time the applicant did not object or chose to make a statement on their behalf. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. Also of note, the applicant is beyond the 24 month window in which they could apply to PSC-epm for reentry into the service if within the weight or body fat standard. The applicant received a reentry code of RE3, therefore the applicant is not barred from future military service. An RE3 reentry code is not an affirmative recommendation for reenlistment, rather it represents that the applicant is not recommended for reenlistment due to a disqualifying factor. The RE3 code may be waived based upon the policies and needs of the gaining Service. Propriety: Discharge was proper. Equity: Discharge was equitable. Final Adjudication By Assistant Commandant for Human Resources: Concur with Board. No relief.