DRB DIGEST[EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2014- 061 NAME CURRENT DD-214 Under Honorable Conditions, COMDTINST M 1000 4 CHAP I-B- 17, JKQ Misconduct, RE4 RELIEF REQUESTED Honorable RELIEF GRANTED BY DRB None CORRECTIONS None TIS 3 yrs, O months, 11 days Policy Implications None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged for Misconduct due to Commission of a serious offense in the Spring of 2014. The applicant's complete Personnel Data Record and Discharge Package were available for the Board to review. In 2013, the applicant engaged in two inappropriate and intimate relationships with co-workers within a 7 month window (while also married to another service member). In the year prior, the applicant had married another Coast Guard member while they were both assigned to the same vessel in the previous assignment. In the Fall of 2013, the current command quickly completed an investigation and awarded Non-Judicial punishment to the applicant. Pursuant to Coast Guard regulations, intimate relationships of this nature are prohibited when there less than 65 personnel assigned, or for members attached to the same vessel. In the months shortly thereafter, the applicant posted negative comments on internet site Facebook about the Coast Guard and their assigned unit. The comments were easily accessible by members of the Coast Guard and other members of the general public. Consequently, this malicious conduct was prejudicial to good order and discipline, and of a nature to bring discredit upon the Coast Guard using Social Media. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. The Discharge notification memo clearly states that a General Discharge was recommended by the command to the Personnel Service Center for final approval. The applicant was notified of the intent to discharge, and the applicant was advised of the right to an attorney. No statement or objection was made to the discharge at that time. Propriety: Discharge was proper. Equity: Discharge was equitable. Final Adjudication By Assistant Commandant for Human Resources: No relief.