DRB 2015-035 Applicable Policy Military Separations Manual: 1.B.17 (previously Personnel Manual COMDTINST M1000.4), prescribes standards for processing individuals for Misconduct. Summary of Service/Disciplinary Action A. DOB: 2/11/1987 B. Age at enlistment in USCG: 25 C. Periods of unauthorized absences: None D. Civil actions: None E. Military Actions: a. Non Judicial Punishment: i. 01/21/2015 1. At approximately 1900, the applicant was in the second deck passageway and phoned another member in violation of a "no-contact" order given during Captains Mast On 26DEC14 and 19JAN15. The applicant is charged with Article 90: Willfully Disobeying Superior Commissioned Officer. ii. 1/19/2015 1. At approximately 0040, the applicant was discovered by the Boatswains Mate of the watch with another member behind a closed door to the STBD Rescue Swimmer locker with the lights off. Both members were clothed. The applicant is charged with Article 90: Willfully Disobeying Superior Commissioned Officer and ART. 92: Failure to Obey Order or Regulation. iii. 12/26/2014 1. The applicant is being charged with Article 92 - Failure to Obey an Order or Regulation; wherein the applicant was discovered in her room with the door closed and lights out with a roommate and a male. iv. 10/11/2013 1. Article 108 (Damage to Government Property) - In that the applicant, did, on or about 25 August 2013, fall asleep while taking a shower in Steadman Hall, U.S. Coast Guard Tracen Petaluma; and as a result of her falling asleep while taking a shower, caused flooding that resulted in approximately $14,000.00 worth of damage to three rooms in Steadman Hall. b. Court Martial: None F. Highest rating achieved: SN G. ASVAB AFQT: 89 H. Active service completed: 3 years, 2 months, 2 days Applicant’s Issues and Documentation Documentation: In addition to the service record, the following additional documentation, submitted by the applicant, was considered: A. DD Form 293 B. Supporting Documentation Issues: The applicant states “My administrative discharge is improper because of the mental state I was in when accepting it. I request to have my ‘General Administrative Discharge’ with RE4 designation changed to an ‘Honorable’ Medical Discharge with RE3 designation.” Board’s Discussion and Conclusion DISCUSSION: The applicant was discharged for a Pattern of Misconduct in the Spring of 2015. The Board has reviewed the repeated issues of inappropriate relations by the applicant while serving aboard a USCG vessel. In addition to that, the alcohol incident while at “A” school caused severe damage to government property due to the applicant’s negligence. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. The applicant had 5 discipline evals and 4 Non-Judicial punishment in the short period of service. The applicant was notified of the intent to discharge, and the applicant was advised of the right to an attorney. The applicant made a statement on their behalf, but did NOT object to the terms of the discharge. Separately, the Board recommends that an administrative correction is made to the character of service listed in Block 24 of the applicant’s DD-214. Per previous policy issued in ALCOAST 562/08, a General discharge is no longer considered an official character of service. Therefore, the board recommends amending Block 24 to an Under Honorable Conditions character of service. The cause for the error was due to the Direct Access upgrade to the 9.1 version at the start of the calendar year 2015, in which the programmers listed General vice Under Honorable Conditions as an option for Block 24. The list of entries for Block 24 has since been reprogrammed by COMDT (CG-631). RECOMMENDATION: The Board members thoroughly reviewed the applicant’s record of service and all available documentation. Propriety: Discharge was proper. Equity: Discharge was equitable. Board Conclusion: The Board voted 5-0 to recommend partial relief to Under Honorable Conditions due to the aforesaid administrative error.