DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2016-079 NAME E5 CURRENT DD-214 Under Honorable Conditions, Article 1-B-17, HKQ, RE4, Misconduct RELIEF REQUESTED Honorable RELIEF GRANTED BY DRB None ADMIN CORRECTIONS JKQ Separation Code TIS 6 years, 2 months Policy Implications None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Applicant was discharged in July of 2016. The Board discussed the totality of the Applicant’s record and the criminal charges incurred by the Applicant. The Board determined the standards in criminal cases used for discharge are based on the preponderance of the evidence. The Misdemeanor charge of Domestic Assault was held as valid as the Applicant was referred to Community Corrections Probation to complete Anger Management, Batterer’s Intervention and Individual Counseling. The Applicant did not provide further evidence he completed the required programs mandated by Probation. The Board found no issues with the standards and equity in this case and the Discharge Characterization of Under Honorable Conditions was valid. After further review from CG-LGL, it was determined the correct Separation Code of JKQ is to be utilized due to his time in service was less than 8 years. The Separation Code of HKQ on his current Separation Authorization is for personnel with over 8 years that have waived a board upon separation. Propriety: Discharge was proper. Equity: Discharge was equitable. Board Conclusion: The Board voted 5-0 to recommend no relief