ORB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2017-018 NAME E4 CURRENT DD-214 Honorable, COMDTINST MI000.6, 12.B.16, JPD, RE4, Unsuitability RELIEF REQUESTED Change to Separation and Reentry code, Change to Narrative Reason RELIEF GRANTED BYDRB Separation Code changed to JFV and Narrative Reason changed to Condition, Not a Disability ADMIN CORRECTIONS COMDTINST Ml 000.6, 12.8 .16 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: DISCUSSION: The Applicant was discharged in March of 2008. The Applicant received an alcohol incident in October of 2007 during an incident of Domestic Violence where alcohol played a significant factor. The Applicant was determined to receive a second alcohol incident when they arrived at their mandated Alcohol Screening with a B.A.C. of .151. The Board discussed the fact the Applicant had yet to be screened for a potential alcohol dependency so it was not determined to be a medical disability. The proper Narrative Reason is Condition Not a Disability, with a Separation Code of JFV. The RE-4 code stands as issued as per policy. Propriety: Discharge was proper. Equity: Discharge was equitable. Final Adjudication by Assistant Commandant for Human Resources: Concur with the Board voted to recommend the following relief: DD-214 Item Board Decision 26. Separation Code JFV 28. Narrative Reason Condition Not a Disability