UNITED STATES COAST GUARD DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD Docket #: 2018-011 Discharge Issued Character: Honorable Narrative Reason: HOMOSEXUAL ACT SPD/RE Code: HRA/RE4 Authority of Discharge: COMDTINST M1000.6A Art 12.B.18 Date of Separation: 4/4/2003 DRB Decision Character: No Change Narrative Reason: Secretarial Authority SPD/RE Code: JFF/REl New Authority: COMDTINST M1000.6A Art 12-B-B Discharge Review Board Discussion and Decision: The applicant was discharged for Homosexual Acts in the Spring of 2003. The Board President provided a brief history on the repeal of DADT and the historical correction to discharges that were granted prior to the repeal of the policy. The Board President also refreshed the board that Blocks 25-28 are what the Board has the authority to change. PROPRIETY: The Board finds no issues with propriety in this case. The applicant was properly discharged under policy in effect at the time of discharge. EQUITY: In light of the repeal of Section 654 of Title l0, United States Code effective September 20, 20ll and as specified in Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) Memorandum of September 20, 20ll, the Board finds that the applicant's record is inequitable. The applicant was discharged solely under the provisions of Section 654 of Title 10, United States Code, therefore the applicant's record should be corrected accordingly. RECOMMENDATION: The Board members thoroughly reviewed the applicant's record of service and all available documentation and recommends that the applicant be issued a new DD-214 with "JFF" as the SPD Code, "Secretarial Authority" as the Narrative Reason for Separation, "12.B.l2" as the Authority, and "REI" as the Reentry Code. 2 In reviewing discharges, the Board presumes regularity in the conduct of governmental affairs unless there is substantial credible evidence (to include evidence submitted by the Applicant) to rebut the presumption.