DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF NAVAL RECORDS 701 S. COURTHOUSE ROAD, SUITE 1001 ARLINGTON, VA 22204-2490 Docket No: 8688-16 DEC 7 2017 Dear This is in reference to your application for correction ofyour record pursuant to the provisions of Title 10, United States Code, section 1552. A three-member panel ofthe Board for Correction ofNaval Records, sitting in executive session, considered your application on 8 September 2017. The names and votes ofthe members ofthe panel will be furnished upon request. Your allegations oferror and injustice were reviewed in accordance with administrative regulations and procedures applicable to the proceedings ofthis Board. Documentary material considered by the Board consisted ofyour application, together with all material submitted in support thereof, relevant portions ofyour naval record, and applicable statutes, regulations, and policies. You enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve on 15 May 2012. It appears you served without disciplinary incident until 16 August 2014 when you missed your scheduled Inactive Duty for Training (IDT) periods on 16 and 17 August 2014. After acquiring a total of 14 unexcused absences from scheduled training, administrative discharge action was initiated by reason of unsatisfactory participation in the Ready Reserve. Your record is incomplete in that it does not contain your signature on the documents pertaining to your administrative discharge. From review ofthe available documents, it appears that, after being afforded all your procedural rights, your Commanding Officer recommended you received a general, under honorable conditions, discharge by reason funsatisfactory participation in the Ready Reserve. On 19 February 2015, the discharge authority directed you receive an OTH discharge within 20 days by reason of unsatisfactory participation and be assigned an RE-4 (not recommended for reenlistment) reentry code. After careful and conscientious consideration ofthe entire record, the Board found the evidence submitted was insufficient to establish the existence ofprobable material error or injustice. The Board, in its review ofyour application, carefully weighed all potentially mitigating factors such as your personal loss ofa job, fiance, motivation, self-confidence, and self-esteem. The Board noted the record contains documents reflecting the command's extensive attempts to communicate with you but no mention ofany communications received by you. Unfortunately, the Board concluded these mitigating factors were not sufficient to warrant relief in your case because an RE-4 reentry code is authorized when an individual is separated for unsatisfactory participation in the Ready Reserve. Therefore, your RE-4 code was authorized in accordance with established regulations and guidelines at the time ofyour discharge. Accordingly, your application has been denied. It is regretted that the circumstances ofyour case are such that favorable action cannot be taken at this time. You are entitled to have the Board reconsider its decision upon the submission of new and material evidence. New evidence is evidence not previously considered by the Board. In this regard, it is important to keep in mind that a presumption ofregularity attaches to all official records. Consequently, when applying for a correction ofan official naval record, the burden is on the applicant to demonstrate the existence ofprobable material error or injustice. Sincerely, Executive Director