DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF NAVAL RECORDS 701 S. COURTHOUSE ROAD, SUITE 1001 ARLINGTON, VA 22204-2490 Docket No. 8501-17 JAN 05 2018 From: Chairman, Board for Correction ofNaval Records To: Secretary ofthe Navy Subj: REVIEW OF NAVAL RECORD Ref: (a) Title IO U.S.C. 1552 Encl: (1) DD Form 149 w/attachments (2) HQMC memo (3) Subject's naval record 1. Pursuant to the provisions ofreference (a) Subject, hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to reinstate household goods (HHG) entitlements. 2. The Board, consisting of , reviewed Petitioner's allegations of error and injustice on 2 January 2018 and, pursuant to its regulations, determined that the corrective action indicated below should be taken on the available evidence ofrecord. Documentary material considered by the Board consisted ofPetitioner's application, together with all material submitted in support thereof, relevant portions ofhis naval record and applicable statutes, regulations and policies. 3. The Board, having reviewed all the facts ofrecord pertaining to Petitioner's allegations of error and injustice, finds as follows: a. Before applying to this Board, Petitioner exhausted all administrative remedies available under existing law and regulations within the Department of the Navy. b. On , Petitioner transferred to the Temporary Disabled Retired List (TDRL). c. In correspondence attached as enclosure (2), the office having cognizance over the subject matter addressed in Petitioner's application has commented to the effect that the request has merit and warrants favorable action. CONCLUSION Upon review and consideration ofall the evidence ofrecord, and especially in light ofthe contents of enclosure (2), the Board finds the existence ofan injustice warranting the following corrective action. Petitioner was not counseled properly when he was erroneously directed to complete a final travel claim to his residence in which caused his home of selection (HOS) destination to become irrevocable. Ifhe had been briefed properly, he would have requested an extension ofhis HHG entitlements to be allowed to use them in the future. RECOMMENDATION That Petitioner's naval record be corrected, where appropriate, to show that: The Petitioner's travel claim; voucher number , is null and void. Note: Petitioner will be issued a letter of indebtedness. Note: the Petitioner is directed to contact to arrange for the final HHG move and provide a copy ofBoard ofCorrection ofNaval Records' grant authorization. A copy ofthis Report ofProceedings will be filed in Petitioner's naval record. 4. It is certified that quorum was present at the Board's review and deliberations, and that the foregoing is a true and complete record ofthe Board's proceedings in the above entitled matter. 5. Pursuant to the delegation of authority set out in Section 6(e) ofthe revised Procedures ofthe Board for Correction ofNaval Records (32 Code ofFederal Regulations, Section 723.6(e)) and having assured compliance with its provisions, it is hereby announced that the foregoing corrective action, taken under the authority ofreference (a), has been approved by the Board on behalf ofthe Secretary ofthe Navy. Executive Director