DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF NAVAL RECORDS 701 S. COURTHOUSE ROAD, SUITE 1001 ARLINGTON, VA 22204-2490 From: Chairman, Board for Correction of Naval Records To: Secretary of the Navy Subj: REVIEW OF NAVAL RECORD OF FORMER MEMBER USN Ref: (a) 10 U.S.C. §1552 (b) USECDEF Memo, “Guidance to Military Discharge Review Boards and Boards for Correction of Military/Naval Records Regarding Equity, Injustice, or Clemency Determinations,” of 25 July 2018 Encl:(1) DD Form 149 with attachments (2) Case summary 1. Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject, hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with the Board for Correction of Naval Records (Board), requesting that his Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214) be corrected to reflect his desire to add the following: 1615 Designator, small arms proficiency, service schools, commendation letters, and duties of Gunnery Officer and Damage Control Assistant. Enclosures (1) and (2) apply. 2. The Board, consisting of Ms. , Ms., and Ms. reviewed Petitioner's allegations of error and injustice on 13 September 2021, and, pursuant to its regulations, determined the corrective action indicated below should be taken on the available evidence of record. Documentary material considered by the Board consisted of the enclosures, relevant portions of his naval service records, and applicable statutes, regulations, and policies, to include the 25 July 2018 guidance from the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness regarding equity, injustice or clemency determinations (Wilkie Memo). 3. The Board, having reviewed all the facts of record pertaining to Petitioner's allegations of error and injustice, finds as follows: a. Before applying to this Board, Petitioner exhausted all administrative remedies available under existing law and regulations within the Department of the Navy. b. Although enclosure (1) was not filed in a timely manner, it is in the interest of justice to review the application on its merits. c. Petitioner enlisted in the U.S. Navy on 2 August 1963. From 30 August 1963 until 12 September 1963, Petitioner attended the following service schools: Basic and Advanced Damage Control Course, Firefighting Course, and ABC Warfare Course. d. On 1 August 1964, the Commanding Officer, provided two (2) letters of commendation to the Petitioner commending the for the Battle Efficiency “E” and for Aircraft Search and Recovery Operations conducted on 4 and 5 June 1964. Both letters are attached to Petitioner’s fitness evaluation report dated 1 March 1964 to 31 August 1964. e. On 12 November 1964, Petitioner was designated as Officer of the Deck for the – Task Force. It was noted that Petitioner had been standing duty since 2 August 1963 until his discharge date. f. On 22 January 1965, Petitioner’s records indicate he was relieved from his duties of 1stLt, Minesweeping Officer and Gunnery Officer. It was noted that the relief letter was between the outgoing and incoming Line Officers. There was no endorsement from the Commanding Officer assigning the Petitioner to any respective duties. g. Petitioner was discharged from active duty on 22 July 1965 and entered into a Reserve status. h. On 28 April 1969, Petitioner requested a Waiver of Designator to allow completion of Naval Reserve obligation and to remain affiliated with Naval Reserve Security Group Division (NRSGD) . The Commanding Officer, NRSGD, favorably endorsed the request citing the Petitioner holds the billet of Administrative Officer and he has performing the duties thereof since April 1966. However, the Petitioner was still assigned an 1105 Designation while in the Reserves. On 27 June 1969, the Chief of Naval Personnel denied the Petitioner’s request based on the Inactive Reserve Officer Placement Board recommendation. i. On 28 April 1975, Petitioner was discharged from the Naval Reserves. j. The Petitioner’s Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Service (DD Form 214) reflects only the Advanced Damage Control Course in block 28. k. Petitioner contends he was a Line Officer (1105 Designator) aboard the and in the Reserves, his designation was changed to 1615. As a Watch Officer and Officer of the Deck, Petitioner states he was required to carry a side-arm on occasion and underwent normal naval line officer small-arms training both aboard ship and on-shore firing ranges every year while on active duty. Petitioner also contends while serving as the Gunnery Officer aboard , he supervised the training of others in the crew during small-arms drills and firing range proficiency. CONCLUSION: Upon review and consideration of all the evidence of record, the Board concluded Petitioner’s request warrants partial relief. In this regard, the Board noted Petitioner’s personal statement of relevant facts explaining the requested changes and documentation provided in support of the requested changes. Although the Petitioner contends the stated inaccuracies in his DD 214 should be corrected, the Board, based upon its authority and lack of documentation in the Petitioner’s official military personnel file, determined relief in the form of including the additional service schools is only warranted. In view of the above, the Board directs the following corrective action: RECOMMENDATION: That Petitioner be issued a Correction to DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 215) that indicates Petitioner completed the following service schools: “Basic Damage Control Course,” “Fire-Fighting Course,” and “ABC Warfare Course”. No further changes be made to Petitioner’s record. That a copy of this report of proceedings be filed in Petitioner’s naval record. 4. It is certified that a quorum was present at the Board’s review and deliberations, and that the foregoing is a true and complete record of the Board’s proceedings in the above entitled matter. 5. Pursuant to the delegation of authority set out in Section 6(e) of the revised Procedures of the Board for Correction of Naval Records (32 Code of Federal Regulation, Section 723.6(e)) and having assured compliance with its provisions, it is hereby announced that the foregoing corrective action, taken under the authority of reference (a), has been approved by the Board on behalf of the Secretary of the Navy. 9/24/2021 Executive Director